Looking for career-readiness resources?

Get started with Persona Life Skills free on Lumio

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Looking for career-readiness resources?

Get started with Persona Life Skills free on Lumio

Access the resources

Lumio by SMART Technologies and Persona Education have come together to make Persona Life Skills accessible anywhere in the world – all that's needed is a student device. 

Six interactive career readiness resources are available in Lumio, the free web-based collaborative learning platform that offers more ways to effortlessly make learning fun and engaging on student devices. Watch the intro webinar recording

After sampling our resources on Lumio, discover the full Persona Life Skills experience with a free trial for your school or college. Or check out our affordable Teacher Packages.



Access Lumio resources

Click the red button to access free Persona Life Skills resources in the Lumio platform.


Resource 1. Your Persona
Resource 2. Interview Ready
Resource 3. Work Experience
Resource 4. Job Choices
Resource 5. Getting Along With Colleagues
Resource 6. Leadership


Important employability and career-readiness skills students will learn how to develop in these lessons include: Being Adaptable; Conflict Management; Empathy; Goal-setting; Respect; Self Awareness; Self-confidence; Speaking Formally; Staying Positive; Time Management. 

Access Lumio resources

Sign up for Lumio – it's free

For high school teachers who are looking to facilitate career counseling and prepare students for life after school with engaging lessons, Persona Life Skills and Lumio have teamed up to create a new resource category: Life Skills.


These ready-made resources and activities – with a unique personality insights approach – empower non-specialist educators and boost students’ employability and self awareness.

Sign up for Lumio – it's free