Persona Education Newsletter, Aug-24


Research from the OECD and the Nuffield Foundation shows that social-emotional skills are positively linked to students' academic performance, and they play an important role in academic attainment.

Persona Life Skills is the only personal development platform with personality insights at its heart, where students age 11-19 develop social-emotional skills to boost wellbeing, academic and employability outcomes. 

Important pieces of global research from the OECD and the Nuffield Foundation released this year show why it is now more important than ever for schools and colleges to invest in developing social-emotional skills. 10 year-olds have lower social-emotional skills than 15 year-olds. But they do better academically when they have greater social-emotional skills such as persistence, curiosity, assertiveness, empathy and emotional regulation. And they are less likely to be late or skip school. Research from Columbia University also shows that social-emotional learning programmes generate an 11 x financial return on investment! 

Find out more



Persona Education webinar recording: Social-Emotional Skills for Better Lives  

Webinar recording (31 mins): Social-Emotional Skills for Better Lives

In this webinar on 29-Aug-24 we highlighted findings from the OECD and the Nuffield Foundation, illustrating why it is now more important than ever to invest in developing students' social-emotional skills, and how that can generate a more than 10x financial ROI.

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Persona Life Skills spiral curriculum – 3 years or 5 years

The Persona Life Skills pedagogy starts with students discovering their personality. Then they are guided to reflect on how their 'Persona' affects their thinking, communication and behaviour. This approach builds the foundations of a Spiral Curriculum – we've created 3-year and a 5-year curriculum options.

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Persona Life Skills student careers courses on the Hays Education Hub

Three student career readiness courses are now available free in the Hays Education Hub, a growing library of digital learning resources designed to empower staff and pupils. With these PDF resources teachers can now guide students in getting to know themselves better with the Persona Insights personality quiz, and use the insights to prepare for work experience.

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Explore Persona Life Skills: Buy an affordable Teacher Package, or start with a School/College free trial for as many students and teachers as you like. 

No download; no installation. With ready-made modules and built-in guidance, any teacher can facilitate the learning.

Register Free Account


Want a demo? No problem! Please complete the form, select ‘I’d like a demo’ and we will be in touch to arrange a time.

Request a demo


Where next on our EdTech journey?

The latest global State of the Heart report from Six Seconds shows alarming data about youth. Gen Z employees have lower emotional intelligence and far higher rates of burnout than older generations, which is having a growing impact as they make up an increasing proportion of the global workforce.

At Persona we will continue to work on pedagogies that empower schools and colleges to help Gen Z develop the skills they need to survive and thrive in the modern workplace. 

Our Persona Insights and Persona Adaptability self-discovery features at the heart of the platform provide all-important self awareness, starting Gen Z's journey towards resilience for work. Then we have (so far) seven career readiness classroom modules ranging from work experience to leadership.

Finally, our 66 self-directed learning modules cover 22 life skills that boost self-confidence and employability – from time management to communication skills to conflict management.

Thank you for reading! You can also find previous issues of this newsletter here.

Please follow us on, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn to receive our updates and carefully chosen links to social-emotional, personal development, wellbeing and employability resources. 

Best wishes,

Pete Read
CEO & Co-founder

PS. Subscribe to this newsletter – be the first to hear the latest about Persona Education and Persona Life Skills!

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