Frequently asked questions about Persona Life Skills

Subscription plans


Frequently asked questions about Persona Life Skills

Subscription plans


  • How do we get support when setting up or using Persona Life Skills?

    A help email address and phone number are provided in the platform. You can also contact us via the channels on our Contact page.

  • Can we try Persona Life Skills before subscribing?

    Yes, if you represent a school or college. You can register a free School/College account to use with any number of students (age 11-19). This includes a 30 Day Trial of additional Paid Subscription modules and features. Please register at www.persona-life.com/pricing.


  • What is the subscription period?

    A Free account can be used for any length of time. A School/College Paid Subscription is valid until 31-Aug in the final year of the subscription, when it will be renewed, unless reverted to a Free account. One year School/College subscriptions started after 31-May are active until 31-Aug the following year, at no extra cost.


    Teacher Packages and Home School subscriptions are valid for one year from the subscription date, when they can be renewed or cancelled.

  • Can we cancel our subscription and receive a refund for the unused period?

    No. All Paid Subscriptions remain active until the end of the subscription.

  • Can we add more students to our subscription?

    Yes. With a free School College account you can add as many students as you like. With a Paid Subscription you can add students up to the maximum your subscription allows (and we won’t object if you need to add a few more). If you need significantly more, please upgrade your subscription.


    With a Teacher Package or Home School subscription you can buy additional subscriptions to add more students. These can be added to your existing account, or set up in a new account if you prefer.

  • Can we remove students from our subscription?

    Yes. However, we recommend asking us to remove their account(s) from your subscription, instead of deleting, so they do not lose their personal data and can still access the platform in future if needed.

  • Is there a monthly subscription option?

    No. All paid subscriptions are on an annual basis.

  • Are any discounts available?

    Yes. For School/College subscriptions, discounts are available for Low/Lower Middle income countries, and/or for over 2,000 students, and/or for two- or three-year subscriptions.


    For Teacher Packages, discounts are available if you subscribe to more than one package at the same time. 


    Please complete the form on our Contact page and we will be in touch to discuss

  • Does the price include VAT/GST?

    UK VAT is included where appropriate and this is indicated on the pricing page. For customers outside the UK, no VAT/GST will be charged.

  • Are there any additional costs, eg. for teacher accounts?

    With a School/College subscription, Teacher and Admin accounts are free, and there are no other costs (except VAT/GST where applicable). With a Teacher Package or Home School subscription, Teacher accounts are included in the price.

  • Can we get a written price quote?

    Yes. A written quote can be provided on request. Please contact us.

  • Will we receive an invoice?

    If you are buying a School/College subscription, we will send you a PDF invoice by email, with 30 day payment terms. Payment can also be made online at the time of subscription.

  • Do we have to sign a contract?

    When you register you will be asked to agree to the Persona Life Skills Terms of Use, which is the legal licence agreement governing your use of the platform. If your school/college requires an additional contract, please contact us.

  • How can we pay for the subscription?

    Payment can be made online when you buy a subscription. Or if you are buying a School/College subscription, payment can be by bank transfer within 30 days. Bank details will be shown on our invoice.

  • Is there a cooling off period?

    No. Because all content and features are available immediately upon subscribing, there is no cooling off period after you confirm a Paid Subscription. If you represent a school or college, you can try out the platform with a free 30 Day Trial first.

  • Can we spread payments over several months?

    Yes, with a School/College subscription. Please complete the form on our Contact page and we will be in touch to discuss.

  • How can we be sure our students’ personal information is secure?

    Persona is fully GDPR compliant. All data we hold are encrypted and stored on the Google Cloud Platform. We are registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). All our employees and our Data Processor partners are DBS checked. For more details please see our Privacy Policy.

  • Are individual student or parent subscriptions available?

    Yes. You can buy a Home School subscription for two parents/tutors and one student. Please visit the Pricing page for details.

  • What happens if the school has to close temporarily?

    Persona Life Skills can be used for online remote learning as well as in the classroom, so your subscription will continue as normal.

  • Can we download Persona Life Skills from an app store?

    No. Persona Life Skills is a web platform and is only accessible through an Internet browser. It is optimised for use on desktop PCs, laptops, Chromebook, Surface, tablets and smartphones.

  • Is any teacher training required to deliver Persona Life Skills?

    No. The platform has built-in onboarding, PDF resources and pedagogical guidance to enable any teacher, tutor or parent to facilitate the learning without any need for additional training. We can provide further guidance on request.

  • Is Persona Life Skills available in multiple languages?

    No. Currently the platform is only available in English. However, in the Chrome browser, right clicking on any screen and selecting ‘Translate to [language]’ enables you to view it in your local language.