Looking for teacher resources?

Get started with Persona Life Skills on Hays Education Hub

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Looking for teacher resources?

Get started with Persona Life Skills on Hays Education Hub

Access the courses

Hays and Persona Education have come together to make life skills learning and personal development resources available for teachers and students.

Teacher professional development courses and student career readiness courses are available free in the Hays Education Hub, a growing library of digital learning resources designed to empower staff and pupils. 

After sampling our resources in Hays Education Hub, discover the full Persona Life Skills experience with a free trial for your school or college. Or check out our affordable Teacher Packages.



Access Teacher courses

Click the red button to access free Persona Life Skills professional development courses for Teachers in the Hays Education Hub.


• Teacher course T1. Your Persona: Discover the Teacher Inside
• Teacher course T2. Your Adaptability: The Key to Success
• Teacher course T3. Personality Informed Pedagogy


Important employability and career skills teachers will learn how to develop in these courses include: Self Awareness; Empathy; Self-confidence; Respect; Being Adaptable; Speaking Informally; Willingness to Change; Effective Teamwork. 

Access Teacher courses

Access Student courses

Click the red button to access free Persona Life Skills careers courses for KS3-KS4 Students in the Hays Education Hub.


• Student course S1. Personality: What Makes You… YOU!
• Student course S2. Your Persona: Know Yourself
• Student course S3. Work Experience: Get on Track for Your Future Career


Important employability and career-readiness skills students will learn how to develop in these courses include: Empathy; Respect; Self Awareness; Critical Thinking; Self Confidence; Time Management; Being Adaptable. 

Access Student courses