Whole school benefits

Hit student personal development targets, and empower non-specialist teachers

Subscription plans

Whole school benefits

Hit student personal development targets, and empower non-specialist teachers

Subscription plans

How your school or college benefits

Hit secondary/high school or further education Personal Development targets. Persona Life Skills enhances your social-emotional learning programme teaching, counselling and tutoring, boosting wellbeing, academic and employability outcomes with our 22 life skills.

Empower non-specialist PSHE, RSE, SEL, SMSC, Citizenship, CEIAG and Careers teachers, counsellors and tutors. Any teacher can facilitate the learning with Persona Life Skills, in the classroom, blended learning or remote learning, and getting started is easy!

Hit student Personal Development targets

Hit student Personal Development targets

Student wellbeing is at the top of every agenda, and is now a priority for Ofsted, Independent Schools Inspectorate, Association of Colleges, International Baccalaureate, GL PASS and other benchmarks.


Persona Life Skills boosts young people’s wellbeing, academics and employability by developing 22 social-emotional life skills, mapped to Ofsted, ISI, PSHE Association (UK), CBSE (India), CASEL, IB Learner Profile, GL, Gatsby, AS Tracking, Cambridge iGCSE, Unicef, VIA Character, British Schools Overseas, Cobis, Skills Builder and more.


So you can plan and monitor your students’ personal development, whichever framework you are using.

Enhance PSHE, SEL, SMSC and Careers education

Enhance PSHE, SEL, SMSC and Careers education

Persona Life Skills offers a scaffolded, age appropriate curriculum for Year 7-13/Grade 6-12 (KS3, KS4, KS5) and college students. The interactive platform complements existing PSHE, RSE, SEL, SMSC, life skills and careers curricula, with a Positive Education approach.


Our teacher-facilitated life challenge modules and self-directed life skills modules guide pupils to know themselves, understand others and adapt their thinking, communication and behaviour for better outcomes, as they navigate their life journey.


With real time progress tracking and built-in outcomes reporting, you can monitor their progress in our dashboard, at whole school/college, cohort, group or individual levels.

Empower non-specialist teachers

Empower non-specialist teachers

More than ever before young people need to develop social-emotional life skills, but schools and colleges face three big problems: 1. other curriculum priorities; 2. lack of specialist teachers; 3. non-specialist teacher workload.


With Persona Life Skills any teacher can facilitate the learning, in the classroom, in blended learning or in remote learning. Our web-based online learning is easily accessible on any device.


Ready-made learning modules and contextual teacher guidance mean less demand for SEL/PSHE/SMSC specialists, and easier lesson planning. Plus, students receive instant feedback, and all their input is recorded.

Find out about a Persona Life Skills subscription

Persona Life Skills is our online social-emotional learning platform with personality insights at its heart, helping young people navigate their life journey by developing life skills.